Verfasst von uncleHo am 12. Juli 2003 um 23:21:29:
Als Antwort auf: just a some weeks please verfasst von Roger Bush am 10. Juli 2003 um 21:30:47:
Hello RV
allso wennst irgenwo an Platz auf einen Server hast und mir die Bilder
als zip schickst , wär das sicher kein Problem...
so what do you mean..?
: hallo alle zusammen!
: my 128mb card is now travelling through europe (manfred pö, phil & pci).
: our 64 mb card is still in my digital camera.
: i can't put them into the internet, because i don't know how to do it.
: i have some very funny pictures on it.
: for what exactly are you looking?
: shows? games? people or peoples? all pictures are 800x600 pixels (=480.000).
: Ing. Reinhard will cancel his job tomorrow, and start a new on monday.
: we have formed the
: KLF Rasanta Services today, and roger bush is THE MD (master of disaster).
: see you in amstetten on the 18.7.2003, or at (same day-beat for böllerbauer).
: best regards and the best wishes for the NEW
: (a part of KLF Rasanta Services)
: RV &RB