Nachrichtenarchiv Was gibts Neues?: Nachrichtenarchiv: August 2013

August 2013
Jonglierconvention in der Emilia Romagna
4º Raduno Parmigiano di Giocoleria
6.-8.9.2013, Parco della pace, Via Sorte, 42040 Campegine (Emilia Romagna)
wsch 30.8.2013

Voranmeldefrist für die 1. Trauner Jonglierconvention endet in 5 Tagen!
Zur Erinnerung: Am kommenden Samstag, 31. August, endet die Voranmeldefrist für die 1. Trauner Jonglierconvention "Sonderschicht in der Jonglierfabrik", die vom 6.-8.9.2013 in Traun (Oberösterreich) stattfindet.
Die Voranmeldung erfolgt über die Homepage der Convention: Preise und weitere Info ebenfalls dort.
wsch 27.8.2013

Poi und Staff Workshops mit Srikanta Barefoot in Wien
Sa 31.8.2013, 14:00-16:00 (120 min): Staff Workshop
Sa 31.8.2013, 16:30-18:30 (120 min): Poi Workshop
Workshopleitung: Srikanta Barefoot (Cirque du Soleil Fire Dancer)
Ort: Phoenix Performing Arts Center, Rappachgasse 26, 1110 Wien
Preis: EUR 30,- für einen, EUR 50,- für beide Workshops
Anmeldung: Lisa Hübner, Tel: 01 7962829 19, Fax: 01 7962829 15, E-Mail:

Srikanta's workshops combine object manipulation technique with rhythm, full body movement, acrobatics and dance. (Video:
Both workshops are Intermediate Level. Please watch Srikanta's Prerequisite Videos for the poi and staff before enrolling to verify that you are properly prepared for the workshop. If you still need to learn the basics - don't worry! You can prepare with online videos (contact Srikanta for references).
Typical workshops include:
- Warm up & Review of Basic Patterns
- Technique: Learning new patterns & tricks
- Fluidity & Dance: Transitions, combining movements to make sequences or
- Floor Portion: Full body movement, dance & acrobatics
lh/wsch 24.8.2013