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jonglieren.at: Was gibts Neues?: Nachrichtenarchiv: Februar 2018 | ||||
Februar 2018 |
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Aussendung des EJA-Reps Stefan Böhmdorfer: Liebe JongleurInnen, für einige Jahre war ich österreichischer Landesrepräsentant bei der EJA und möchte diese Funktion heuer abgeben. Wer sich vorstellen kann, gemeinsam mit den anderen Reps um Kontinuität bei den europäischen Jonglierfestivals zu kümmern, möge sich bitte bei mir melden, insbesondere wenn er/sie nicht an der heurigen EJC (Azoren) teilnimmt. Man braucht für diese Aufgabe eine anhaltende Begeisterung fürs Jonglieren und/oder die verwandten Künste, eine gewisse Teilhabe an der österreichischen Szene, die Möglichkeit auf EJCs zu fahren und etwas Sitzfleisch für die EJA-Meetings. schöne Grüße Stefan -- Stefan Böhmdorfer, Meidlinger Hauptstrasse 1/13, 1120 Wien, Tel: 0699 11074762, E-Mail: rep-at [AT] eja . net sb/wsch 23.2.2018 | ||||
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Aussendung des ungarischen Jonglierverbandes Magyar Zsonglőr Egyesület: * Open call for street artist - Zsolnay Light Festival * Call for living statues - Sziget Festival * 'Circollaborative' European Project * Social Circus management - professionals' day * Inspiral Circus Centre has been extended * Hungarian Juggling Convention 2018. - Save the date * Educircation # Circe Open call for street artist - Zsolnay Light Festival Zsolnay Light Festival has offered a generous prize of 3000 euros for the best street show. The competition is going to take place among the 5 shows preselected to the festival programme. These 5 performances are going to be presented twice a day throughout the festival. Performers of the selected shows get a reimbursement on their expenses and are allowed to busk at the festival. Deadline for applications is 5 March 2018. Hungarian Juggling Association is an organising partner and host of the busking event. To reach the entire call, click here. For further information write an email to zsolnaystreetcompetition@gmail.com or info@zsonglor.hu. Call for living statues - Sziget Festival One of the novelties at Sziget Festival this year will be the Living Statue Championship. Guests from the Dutch World Living Statue Festival will constitute the major part of the jury. The audience will also appoint an award. Performers’ expenses will be covered by Sziget Festival. The winner automatically gets the chance to take part in the 2019 World Living Statue Championship. The deadline for the application is 31 March 2018. 10 participants will be selected to take part in the festival. For further information on the call and the application process, click here. 'Circollaborative' European Project Circollaborative Tools is a project with 9 international partners. This is an innovative programme where circus centres, circus festivals and circus performers experiment and test digital tools, useful apps and effective ways that they can apply in their daily work. Room booking systems, task delegation and management tools, online media functions, follow up softwares are in the focus, that help project- and space management or follow creation processes. Partners share experience and their work is supported by IT professionals. Hungarian Juggling Association hosts the so-called SOCIAL ACTION, taking place between 10-14 May 2018 in Budapest, at Inspiral Circus Centre and at public spaces. Participating organisations: La Grainerie (F), La Central del Circ (E), Cirqueon (Cz), Festival Circolo (NL), Ideagorà (I), Espace Catastrophe (B), The Arts Printing House (LT), Ekito (F) Project's FB page https://www.facebook.com/CIRCollaborativetools/. Social circus management - professionals’ day On 24 March, there will be a social circus open professional day at Inspiral Circus Centre, where we will be sharing experience with our international partners. Everyone interested is warmly welcome. This professional day is an integral part of a 5-day training organised by the Hungarian Juggling Association. The aim of the programme is to see into funding options for civil organisations and ways to build relationship with the governmental and corporate sectors. The training is realized in the frame of the 2-year ’Social Circus Advocacy’ project funded by Eramus+, and this is the first time that administrative, financial and organising areas of social circus are in the focus of the training. Budapest is the first location of the training work. Participating organisations: Cirqueon (CZ), Cirkuskus (SK), Associacio Valenciana de Circ (E) Inspiral Circus Centre has been extended A new room has opened at Inspiral! This is the fourth room in the centre and it is of 90 sqms and 8 metres high. The room can be used from February 2018. Intensive workshops, creation processes and residency programmes will take place here primarily, but circus sessions for school groups, corporate team building events and communal events will also be held here. The room was designed to be suitable for acrobatics and aerials. Lessons, workshops and programmes of Inspiral are on the website. Follow recent updates on Inspiral's FB page. Hungarian Juggling Convention 2018 - Save the date A piece of good news for all beginners, professionals and theoretical jugglers: there will be a Juggling Convention again in 2018! This is a communal and at the same time professional event where there’s a chance to improve juggling skills, but people, familiarise oneself with juggling or just enjoy an exciting and eventful summer weekend. The convention will take place in Pécs - due to last year’s successful cooperation, the convention will be organised in the framework of the Zsolnay Festival of Light, therefore the raypainting - light projection events and international circus arts performances will add further excitement to the programme of the convention. Further information on the convention on its website. Educircation # Circe Educircation network has been in operation for 8 years now organising circus trainings. The current project, under the name CIRCE - Cooperative for Information and Research on Circus Education. The trainings focus on the improvement of circus and pedagogical skills as well as on the targeted use of specific skills for social work purposes. Apart from taking part in partner acrobatics, balancing, parkour, percussions, clowning and theatre trainings, trainers will experiment Craig Quat’s props. Workshops of the 2-year programme are accompanied by small-group professional trainings and theoretical sessions with a focus on management. For the programme of the training, get information on it's FB page and website. -- Copyright: 2018 Hungarian Juggling Association, All rights reserved. Karolina út. 38/A, 1113 Budapest (Hungary/Magyarország) E-mail: gallyas.veronika@gmail.com vg/wsch 23.2.2018 | ||||
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Der Termin der heurigen ungarische Jonglierconvention steht fest: 28.6.-1.7.2018. Wie im Vorjahr findet sie in Pécs (Fünfkirchen) statt und sie ist wiederum Gast des Szolnay Light Art Festival. Pécs liegt im Süden Ungarns, nahe zur kroatischen Grenze. 16. Magyar Zsonglőr Találkozó 28.6.-1.7.2018 Pécs, mehrere Veranstaltungsplätze im Stadtzentrum Homepage: https://zsonglor.wixsite.com/mzse/hjc2018 Kontakt: info@zsonglor.hu wsch 23.2.2018 | ||||
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"Inclusive Juggling" mit Craig Quat: Jonglieren wird in Zusammenhang mit Studien aus den Bereichen der Neurologie, Mathematik, Psychologie, Inklusionspädagogik und der Sozialarbeit präsentiert und mit praktischen Übungen weiter untermauert. 1. Termin: 9.-11.3.2018 BAfEP 8, Albertgasse 38, 1080 Wien, Anmeldung: office@zirkusakademie.ac.at 2. Termin: 16.-18.3.2018 Opernring 19, 1010 Wien, Anmeldung: stephanie@skrein.at Kursleitung: Craig Quat Veranstalter: Zirkusakademie Wien Weitere Information: https://www.zirkusakademie.ac.at/workshops/inclusive-juggling/ wsch 23.2.2018 | ||||
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"Katapult" ist ein neuer, unabhängiger Trainingsort in Berlin für zeitgenössische Performancekünstler im Zirkus- und Tanzbereich. Die 200m2 große Halle wird von Artisten für Artisten geleitet und kann für Residenzen, Proben und Fotoshootings zu fairen Preisen gemietet werden. Außerdem werden regelmäßig Workshops und Masterclasses in verschiedenen Disziplinen wie Zirkus, Jonglage, Tanz, Clownerie, physisches Theater und vieles mehr angeboten. Mehr Informationen: http://www.katapult.berlin Einige Workshops in nächster Zeit, die speziell für JongleurInnen interessant sind: Object Manipulation, Movement and Existence with Joseph Viatte, 2.-4.3.2018 Me, My Hoop and I with Mounâ Nemri, 14.-15.4.2018 Contact juggling: Unity of Movement with Van-Kim Tran, 4.-6.5.2018 Harmonic Throws Method with Jonathan Lardillier, 19.-20.5.2018 ko/wsch 12.2.2018 | ||||
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In Dornbirn steht ab nun allen Interessierten eine 230 m2 große Zirkushalle zu Verfügung. Sie wird am Freitag, 16. Februar mit einem Fest und am Samstag 17. Februar mit einem Tag der offenen Tür eröffnet. Freier Eintritt zu beiden Events, weitere Details auf http://www.zirkushalle.at/. wsch 12.2.2018 | ||||
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Die Jonglage mit Objekten, Worten und dem Verstand der ZuseherInnen der Companie NiE ist demnächst in Wien (wieder) und in Graz zu sehen. Companie NiE: "Anschauen!" Ein Jongliertheaterstück vor allem zum Anschauen! Empfohlen von 5 bis 105 Jahre, Dauer 50 Minuten Von und mit: Melanie Möhrl und Bernhard Zandl 23.-24.2.2018, 19:30: Schubert Theater, Währingerstraße 46, 1090 Wien 2.-3.3.2018, 19:30: Kristallwerk, Viktor-Franz-Straße 9, 8051 Graz Weitere Information: http://www.niecompanie.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/companienie/ wsch 12.2.2018 | ||||