Verfasst von Stefan (stefan . wink [AT] arcor . de) am 29. Jänner 2008 um 09:50:30:
Habe eine tolle DVD-Doku über den King of Juggling...
Gewinner des Goldenen Clowns in Monaco etc etc etc
25 Euro inkl. Porto in Neuzustand
2,5h teilweise sehr toole Trainings, Showeinlagen und Tricks zum üben sowie Hintergründe
Gatto DVD - from Vaudeville Acro-cat to the King of Juggling - The Story of Nick and Anthony Gatto
Nick Gatto was a successful Vaudeville acrobat with a 3 man troupe called Los Gatos. They played the vaudeville houses of the 50s and appeared on television. He retired from showbiz and began to train his son Anthony, when he was 4 years old. Anthony quickly learned to juggle 4 and 5 items with virtually no practice. At 8 years old, he won the IJA Junior Championship. His career has been on a meteoric rise ever since, and now, 25 years later, Anthony is considered by many to be the world's greatest technical juggler. Everything is here - clips from his television appearances and stage shows, practice lessons, behind the scenes footage, interviews with Nick and Anthony, archival photos. His numerous numbers achievements are shown.
2 hours 20 min. DVD